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Social and environmental responsibility

AV recognises that social and environmental responsibility is a cornerstone for any organisation facing the present. Our leadership and appetite for continuous improvement in this area can be seen in our social and environmental goals – ones that are measurable and accessible for public review – to guide our organisation and partners to make the best decisions possible.

That’s why we developed our Social and Environmental Responsibility Framework in 2019 and immediately put it into action. This plan looks to the future and sets out activities and services that focus on AV continuing as a responsible ambulance service.

Our vision for social and environmental responsibility is directly linked to our Patient Care commitment we can ensure  Best Care is provided to every patient, every time.

Our Framework centres on addressing the following priority areas:

Our people

A great place to work and volunteer 

We are an employer of choice, an organisation where our staff, volunteers and contractors feel respected, valued and proud to work for us. We foster an ethical, just and respectful culture. We keep our people safe, and physically and psychologically well, and provide an inclusive and flexible workplace. Our staff are central to our successes as a corporate citizen. Everyone at AV has a role in managing our social and environmental risk and impact.

Learn more.

Our community

Engagement, investment and volunteerism with communities

We are an active member of the communities we serve, using our expertise, care and scale to support and promote healthy and resilient communities. The nature of our work as a public-facing health service provides us opportunities to contribute to improving systemic social problems, particularly in relation to health inequalities.

Learn more.

Our environment

Responsible management of AV’s environmental impact

We support the Victorian Government’s target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. As part of global community action on climate change, we will continuously reduce our environmental footprint by lowering our use of natural resources; conservation of energy and water; and good practice waste management and recycling.

Learn more.

Our supply chain

We are committed to investing in a sustainable future, here’s how we are doing it…

AV is committed to social procurement. Through our buying power, we generate social, economic and environmental outcomes that benefit the Victorian community and the environment. Our social procurement plan shows how we will collaborate with our suppliers to improve the social and environmental value of our purchasing decisions.

Learn more.


Click on the articles below to see highlights of our achievements to date.

Going Green, Winning Gold!

10 February 2022